Sunday 22 November 2015

First entry

Hello everyone

As the title of this blog suggests I consider myself to be a female LARPer (for those of you who dont know that means live action role player and if you don't know what that is then Google is your most helpful tool at this point)
While it is something I've only been doing for a year and a half I have completely fallen in love with it and it now takes up alot of my mental time and energy. However this is not all I am:

I'm a twenty something university graduate living with my partner trying to work out what to do with the rest of my life. I've recently been let go from my previous job as the assistant manager of a charity shop and tbh I think this might be good for me.

The job was really starting to eat away at me; it was becoming all that I was talking about, half of what I was thinking about and I was becoming so absorbed by the job that my emotional state started to be dependent on whether or not I had made my target that day (yes charity shops have sales targets just like normal shops) The situation was becoming so much that my shoulders were locking up and I was having stress dreams. This is clearly not how a job is meant to go so I'm taking this as a chance to find something I enjoy doing and hopefully pays more than minimum wage with lots of unpaid extra hours they didn't tell me about. Ah but I could rant about it all day given the chance so I'll relent for now.

As well as currently being unemployed and living on my partner's wages I am a knitter and trying to teach myself a bit of sewing too and I like to indulge in a bit of fantasy writing from time to time (don't worry this isn't going to be some sad blog of 'why is no-one publishing me? I'm such a writing genious' blah blah)

So my aim is that this will be a weekly blog of me trying to work out what I'm going to do with my life and how to be a well organised adult with alot of LARP talk mixed in such as projects I'm working on or characters I'm trying to develop or even scenarios I'm trying to develop (as I'm usually a voluntary crew member handing out plot as a non player character-NPC)

This week I am mostly trying to work out how house care and maintenance works.
My boyfriend and I have been living in our current flat for about a year and a half now but lately through our jobs haven't had the time or energy to look after the place properly. As a result there's lots of dirt and dust and jobs that need doing everywhere. So now that I'm not working I'm going to try and get this place cleaned up and work out a good way of getting in this situation again.

My plan is that if we can both do little jobs as and when they need doing instead of putting them off for as long as possible then they will stay as little jobs instead of evolving into much bigger tougher jobs.

We are also thinking about switching a couple of rooms around as the room we store stuff in is smaller than our bedroom but sees alot more use and that is going to take alot of work but over all may help with keeping the place tidy.

Also at the end of this week (because mentally for me weeks start on Sunday) is my birthday and my partner is planning some kind of big surprise. This is a very strange experience for me; not only am I usually the one who makes these kind of plans for us in general but also this is the first time I've not palnned my own birthday celebrations in years. Until a couple of days ago the whole thing was intriguing and exciting but now I'm starting to worry that something is going to go wrong because I'm not in control of it.
Also because he knows it annoys me my parter keeps dropping hints about things we might be doing but not in anyway that I can work it out. It's driving me nuts!

Well that's it for my rambling for now guys. See you next week!

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